Inclusion and safety

As the organisers of the Nordic DiGRA 2025 conference, we are committed to making the event as safe, inclusive, and equitable as possible. Here are some of the measures we have taken to work towards this goal:

  • We will have a written safety plan for the event (shared with all event organisers and volunteers) and a named person responsible for event safety.
  • We will have a written Code of Conduct for the event, communicated to all event staff and participants before and throughout the event.
  • We will have trained Harassment Contact Persons available at the event.
  • We will have clear instructions for reporting any misconduct and will ensure that any potential reports will be addressed in a transparent manner.
  • We will select the most accessible venues available and will communicate about the accessibility features of the venues on the event website.
  • Our presenter instructions will include instructions for making one’s presentation inclusive and accessible.
  • Our reviewer instructions will include instructions for writing constructive and inclusive reviews.
  • We will offer a discounted conference fee for students, unemployed researchers, and researchers from low income and lower middle income countries (according to the most recent World Bank Classification).
  • After the conference, we will collect feedback from all participants regarding the inclusivity and safety of the conference to develop our practices in the future.
  • This information will be made available at the conference venues and communication channels.

We wish to encourage all participants with questions or concerns in this area to contact the event organisers beforehand: or (Chair of the Conference Committee).